I also LOVE when they show all the players back in the locker room pouring champagne all over themselves. How fun does that look? Seriously. I hope there is a time in my life where I am just so happy that I pour champagne all over my body. Surely it ruins the carpet and furniture. I wonder that EVERY time I watch this going on.
The ONLY time I didn't watch all the celebration was when they had that really dramatic episode on Grey's Anatomy following the game. I can't remember if it was the "bomb" episode or what, but they played that preview every single commercial break. It was before we had DVR, so James and I RACED home from a party to watch it. James might have even gone 5 above the speed limit that night. Come to think of it, he probably just told me that to calm me down.
We've have hosted several Super Bowl parties in the past. This year, James said that we had to stop hosting parties if we really wanted these hardwood floors. I think the reason I love the Super Bowl parties so much because there is a legitimate theme. Napkins, serving platters, food, games, attire...everything can become a theme.
Last year, I found this GREAT idea in Every Day Rachel Ray, my all-time favorite magazine. It was the perfect dessert for a super bowl party, and I was so excited.
CoCoa Krispie Treat Footballs
CoCoa Krispie Treat Footballs

Note: This is the picture from the magazine. How cute are those? Now...mine DID NOT turn out ANYTHING like this picture. It was a complete disaster. They were so sticky that I couldn't form them. I didn't have enough time for them to completely harden. By the time that I got a few shaped like a football, I had completely crumbled all the krispies. Then...after a few minutes....they started drooping...almost melting on the pan. I tried to make the white lines with icing and it was a total flop. I still brought them...to show that I put forth the effort. They still tasted good. Who doesn't love to pick at a rice krispie treat, right?
This year, I found a NEW recipe/idea I'm going to try. I think it will be SUPER cute. Stay tuned for pictures on Monday! Hopefully, it will turn out better than last year! Go Cardinals!
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